
Clockwork objects, enhanced learning: Automata Toys Construction in primary education for Learning to Learn promotion, creativity fostering & Key Competences acquisition, with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Piloting in the primary school - Clohe - Alivola - Clohe goals



Clohe goals

The European Clohe educational project is an innovative project that is using mechanical moving toys (automata) aas a learnig tool for primary students to build transversal key competences.

Mechanical moving toys (Automata)  are a great way to introduce engineering, arts, sculpture, mechanics and science, by combining play and technology.

Mechanical moving toys (Automata) also offer education, ways to explore arts and game based activities around the construction and understanding of automata.

CLOHE will motivate primary children to use multidimensional, cognitive resources to achieve learning outcomes.

The CLOHE project outcomes will allow teachers and students to build their own Automata. The resources the project will produce will include everything that will allow a teacher to make automata with their students.

An online virtual museum will be created were students will be able to show their results to their peers.

You can get involved in the project and pilot by contacting us at info@alivola.it or info@modernautomatamuseum.com

What are Automata?
Automata are mechanical moving toys. An Automata combines engineering, cultural and artistic expression. Automata are “story telling mechanical sculptures”
An automata‘s motion is usually created by mechanical tools like cams, cogs, gears and handles but some use batteries or solar energy.  Often the lower or inner part of the toy includes the mechanical elements and the upper part is the ‘toy that moves’ as a result of the mechanical elements.

The project is funded by the European Union Lifelong Learning programme that aims to promote the learning of languages, culture and literacy across Europe.