
Clockwork objects, enhanced learning: Automata Toys Construction in primary education for Learning to Learn promotion, creativity fostering & Key Competences acquisition, with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Piloting in the primary school - Clohe - Alivola - Pedagogical implications




Pedagogical implications


March 7, 2013
Students, reading the stories written, together with the teachers, they decided how many and which automata realize, what movements they wanted them to do and how to make the characters. Sometimes, for better achievement, teachers have guided the students to understand that a change was necessary in order to achieve the best possible mechanisms of the automaton chosen. For a group, the intervention of teachers was crucial: through guiding questions have noted that some choices were not achievable by inviting pupils to find another movement.
The students were enthusiastic and full of ideas to be realized, always ready to collaborate and share ideas and materials.
2 May 20th, 2013 - Assessment Questionnaire for school teachers of the European project Clohe:

Evaluation: The project has been clearly illustrated?

The modalities for the project have been organized in a clear and effective way?

You can improve this information? In what way?
At the moment, there does not seem the need to modify the design.

Which transversal key competence has been focusing on? (Digital competence, skills 'learning to learn', social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural awareness).
Priority has been focused the competence of learning to learn developing social skills and the spirit of initiative and creativity.


What was the degree of interest of the children and their involvement?
The level of interest was high, and the children were quite interested in the various activities

Have you noticed any changes during the course?
The students were more cooperative in groups with the aim of reaching a common goal.

What were the reactions of children with learning difficulties / social behavior?
Overall, pupils with learning difficulties and / or social behavior have participated and collaborated positively according to the rhythms of attention diversified by specific difficulties.

How do you assess learning with inductive method compared to traditional deductive method?
Positive and engaging for all children.

What are your observations on team work and the division of labor within the group?
The activities were well articulated and organized, especially in diversifying roles in different stages of completion of the work.

What are your observations on leadership in groups?
There was no evidence of alumni leaders who would guide the group but the collaboration between the members was mostly calm and not contradictory.

How do you assess the ability of individual students and groups in learning the technical mechanical / artistic / literary?
The creative abilities of the students have been very good and excellent learning mechanical techniques.
What went well?
The realization of the work, the involvement of children and methodological techniques fielded

What went wrong?
The conduct of the work of different locations without having the opportunity to work with pupils of lower secondary school degree.

What can be improved?

May be useful to create a common laboratory and shared with the three types of schools belonging to the Comprehensive Institute. In this lab you would see pupils of different ages involved to work together to a single educational goal

Assessment of the time that has been made ​​available: must be increased or decreased? Why?
We think that the time has been well adapted to the times and methods of group learning
How do you assess the role of Clohe teachers in the project?
Clohe teachers are professionally trained and innovative, with positive methodological and educational skills

Do they transferred effectively the skills to the school teachers?